Leadership is influence. Everything rises and falls on leadership, everything.
Results of being filled with the Holy Spirit are peace, power, purpose, and His presence.
There will always be stubborn people we have to deal with.
- You know you are dealing with stubborn people when you are trying to teach the truth, but they refuse to listen and even talk evil about you.
- Teach the Word as best you can.
- Stubbornness causes us to turn against God and our leader.
- You can’t have the things of God and go around the ways of God.
- We can be stubborn and not even know it because we believe we are right and smarter than God.
Trying to become someone you’re not will hurt you more than it hurts the person you’re trying to be.
- You cannot live off of someone else’s personality.
Sometimes being with the right friends can cost you.
- How we respond when our friendship costs us tells us if we are loyal or lofty.
- Using difficult times to demonstrate your commitment to God and those whom God has called you to serve.
- Adopting as your own the wishes and goals of those you are serving when conflict and pressure increase.
- Standing with those you are serving in their time of need.
- Very difficult to see.
- Someone starts talking about how they would do things if they were in charge.
John 15:12-13, NKJV
“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”