Acknowledging the reality. (2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV)
This does not mean we won’t have seasons of fear, but that God does not want us to live in fear.
The lack of acknowledging the truth can bring anxiety and stress.
Learn to focus on what we know, not what we don’t know.
God will be close and will never leave us. (Exodus 15:26, NKJV)
Shifting focus.
Depending on the seriousness of the illness greatly determines the shift.
Taking the focus off yourself and putting it on your family will help you during your time of illness. (1 Timothy 5:8, ESV)
Focus on God’s Word and His promises. (Isaiah 43:2, NIV; Psalm 23:4, NKJV)
Focus on the good things you have and thank God for them. (Philippians 4:8, NIV)
Finding purpose. (James 5:15, NIV)
Learn to ask God what do you want me to learn?
Don’t only focus on why, but what.
Practical steps for teaching on suffering and sickness. (2 Corinthians 12:7-10, NKJV)
You can be doing what is right and get sick or suffer.
Many times, the sickness or suffering comes from Satan, but God can still use it to build character or use it for our good.
When sick or suffering, one of the first things to do is ask God to remove it.
Don’t only pray once, but pray until God gives you peace about it.
Remind yourselves that God’s grace is sufficient.
Thank God for suffering grace and learn about it.
Suffering Grace:
Suffering grace is produced when we believe, trust, and understand that God loves us and wants what the nest for us in spite of the situation we might be in.
Suffering grace is produced when we learn that there are some things we can’t change.
We have to admit that God’s suffering grace is available to us all.
Suffering grace is produced not to punish us, but to prepare us.
If we want to enjoy God’s grace during suffering, we have to come to the point where we stop “complaining and start claiming.” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NKJV; 2 Corinthians 9:8, NKJV)
Suffering grace is produced when we don’t think too highly or too much of ourselves.