The Favor of a Wife

The Favor of a Wife

A true wife brings strength and joy. (Proverbs 18:22, NKJV, AMP; Proverbs 14:1, NCV) A wise woman applies God’s Word and principles to the marriage which strengthens it. A true and wise woman knows that marriage will need repairs and will help do her part to keep it...
Leaders Grow from the Inside Out

Leaders Grow from the Inside Out

  Grow from the inside out, be bigger on the inside than the outside. (Psalm 119:11, NKJV) Allow God’s Word to transform you. (Romans 12:2, NKJV; Luke 6:45, NKJV; Matthew 23:25, NKJV) Qualities of leaders who grow from the inside out. They value people more than...
Favor Beyond What You Can Fathom

Favor Beyond What You Can Fathom

Abraham’s response to God’s representatives help us understand why he finally received the favor he had been waiting on. (Genesis 18:1-15, NCV) When God comes into your presence, do you want to beg Him to stay? Do you see yourself as God’s servant rather than God...
God’s Continuous Favor

God’s Continuous Favor

Continue to ask God for His favor. (Psalm 90:16-17, NRSV) Can we grow in God’s favor? Yes How do we grow in God’s favor? Salvation and Wisdom. (Proverbs 8:35, NKJV, AMP) Wisdom is knowing the mind of God in a matter and then knowing how to apply it on a day-to-day...
Achieving Leadership Goals

Achieving Leadership Goals

Stop being goal-oriented and be more growth-oriented. Getting promoted past your personal growth is a land mine waiting to happen. Happiness is a by-product of oneness. Trying to be special because of achievement won’t bring happiness, it brings separation, fear, and...