Benefits of Giving to God

Benefits of Giving to God

What is tithing? “Tithe” means “a tenth part.” What is the difference between a tithe and an offering? “A “tithe” is giving the first tenth of my income. An “offering” is anything I give in addition to my tithe. Why should I tithe? Because God commands it. “A tenth of...
Why Forgive Those Who Hurt You?

Why Forgive Those Who Hurt You?

We’ve Learned that Forgiveness … Frees us and allows God to be the judge. (Romans 12:17-19) “Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all....
Benefit From Forgiving Others

Benefit From Forgiving Others

We benefit from forgiveness … Emotionally. (Job 5:2) “Resentment kills a fool, and envy slays the simple.” Resentment means to rehearse something over and over again in your mind. Resentment leads to revolving hurts which then leads to negativity and a state...
God Initiates Forgiveness

God Initiates Forgiveness

When Adam and Eve were in the garden- the first humans created by God-­ they walked in perfect relationship with Him. There was no tears, no hard work, no struggle until the fall when they rejected God’s rule. Immediately upon their disobedience, hurt and shame...


Don’t give up… push until you receive a promise. Meet the conditions of the promise then hang on to the promise until you receive the provision! PrayUntil Something Happens Talk to Yourself instead of Listening to Yourself When worry, fear and negativity comes into...