How to make hard decisions or Handling Problems

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  1. We have to get the mind of God in the matter. (1 John 5:14-15). The hardest question we have is, “Is this God’s will?”
  2. We have to believe that nothing is too hard for God unless it is outside the will of God.
  3. Define your problem or decision. Write it down and make it clear. (Habakkuk 2:2-3)
  4. List possible action.
  5. List possible obstacles or barriers.
  6. Visualize the different steps of action before you take them.
  7. List people, books, etc. that could help you.
  8. Choose the best course of action and begin to go for it.
  9. Never let your problems stop you from making the right decisions.

How to make hard decisions or Handling Problems

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