Serving and Giving is a Heart Condition. (Luke 21:1-4, MSG; NKJV)
• When our heart is right our giving will be right—physically and financially.
God looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7, NKJV)
• God know your heart—when your heart is right your service and giving will be right.
It’s always about the heart. (Matthew 12:34-37, NKJV)
It’s what you do with what God’s given you. (Matthew 25:14-30, NKJV)
• The joy of the Lord is entered into as we learn, grow, and use what God’s given us.
• When a man’s heart grows hard, he will not see serving and giving to the Lord as a privilege and calling.
What was it that upset Jesus?
• Because of what the man did with what God had given him.
• Often those who do the least and give the least complain the most.
• This man saw Jesus as hard instead of loving and kind.
• He saw Jesus as one who wants to take from you instead of the one who gives to you.
• He saw (perceived) others getting what they did not deserve.
• He viewed those over him as hard and harsh instead of loving and kind.
• He had fear instead of faith.
Criticism: Reveals where we are most insecure.
Praise: Reveals what’s most important or valuable.