TRUE LEADERSHIP flows from LOVE!! 1 John 4:7-9, NKJV; John 15:5, NKJV
- God is LOVE—apart from Him we can do NOTHING!
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 tells us what LOVE is—Everywhere you see LOVE replace it with Leadership!
- The toughest part of Leading with LOVE—Is in times of conflict.
- It is not the absence of conflict that determines whether we have HEALTHY RELATIONSHPS—it’s how we handle conflict—REACTIONS determine REACH.
- As leaders we want to increase our influence—It’s how we react to others in conflict, in need, in hurting, when happy, and holy (doing what’s right)—Learning to meet them where they are and then they will most often come to where we are. (Class—Church—Relationships)
How do we lead with LOVE in times of Conflict? 2 Chronicles 20:3-5, NIV; 2 Chronicles 20:1-6, CEV
- Resolve to Inquire of the Lord—this doesn’t come natural, but supernatural by allowing the Holy Spirit to make us aware that we are afraid—But God is Awesome and in absolute control.
- Question we need to ask ourselves is: “What is my Response when I encounter threatening news that will affect me or my ministry? Prayerfully instead of falling apart we would practice falling into place—Seeking His Face—Hearing from Him—and be Obedient to React in LOVE!!!
- To do this we must understand (EQ) and (IQ)—Our emotional reaction (EQ) is more important than our (IQ)—The (EQ) gives you the ability to respond with the reasoning part of the brain not on the emotional part.
- Predetermine be Prepared to have a Reaction of LOVE.
- Patience + Predetermine + Persistence = Progress.
- 5 P’s to Remember: Patience—Predetermine—Persistence = Progress not Perfection.
- Many times/ Most of the time there is not a perfect solution to the problem but a practical and powerful one.
- Our emotions should be Indicators not Dictators of how we REACT in a Situation—God gives us emotions to Enjoy not Destroy life.
Until we RESOLVE to know the Battle Belongs to God—we will chase everything but the Lord’s Solution. 2 Chronicles 20:15-17, NIV
- In the middle of conflict our eyes must stay on the Master—We will STEER where we STARE!
- As leaders we are to Plant, Plow, and Perspire—Be obedient to God—He will bring Strength, Strategy, and Solution to see His Vision become Reality!!!
- If His Power is at work in us the Influence of Reach is UNLIMITED!!! (2 Chronicles 20:27, NIV)
- Remember Leaders Lead, if we get there first and turn around and there is not anyone there we are not Leading!!!
Bottom Line
- We need Healthy Relationships to be Better Leaders!
- Every Person matters to God!
- Our Reactions determine our Reach!
- The Battle is God’s not ours!