Three Steps to Personal Training
With God and yourself—you must spend time with him to have an intimate relationship with Him.
Relationship with others—you want them to learn how to have a relationship with God and you where you can speak into their lives.
You want them to trust God, believe God’s Word and Promises.
Help them learn to have the right identification that leads to right transformation.
There’s nothing like the right godly confidence in a person—it cast out fears, doubts, discouragement, and defeat.
When that happens in another person’s life your legacy lives on whether they realize it or not!
Don’t steal, cheat, etc.., but also do what you say you are going to do.
Reputation is what others think about you—integrity is who you are—what God thinks of you.
Integrity is characterized by:
- Strong convictions
- Courageous moral choices
- Servant’s Spirit
- Righteous leadership
- By not quitting or giving up when things are tuff
We are here to change lives, families, and the world—bring those far from God close to God. (Matthew 9:35-38, NKJV; Matthew 9:36, TLB)
As followers of Christ if it’s not costing us something we are not following close enough!
The only way we can save our life is to give it! (Matthew 16:24-26, NKJV)
We can give hope to the hopeless.
Hope is the confident expectation of a positive future in spite of our present circumstances.
God is going to accomplish His purpose and advance His Kingdom it is just a matter if you want to be a part of it or not! (Romans 15:13, NKJV; Romans 4:17-18, NKJV)
A Radical long-term strategy for church growth.
Is not church growth.
Spiritual formation (discipleship) is an essential foundation to growth, but I’m referring more to training your volunteers and especially your leaders.
Long-term strategy for church growth will require two critical elements: Training and Developing.
Training is required for a healthy/growing church—developing is part of the additional investment that compounds over time to grow strong people and leaders.
Training vs. Developing:
- Training is the process of equipping a person for a specific ministry task.
- Developing is the process of investing in a person for their personal growth.
- Training is focused on the church’s agenda —what you are going to do.
- Developing is focused on the person’s
- Training is exchange based on transaction: Project, Mission, Vision..etc.
- Developing is essentially a gift that contributes to transformation
The primary point is to make sure you distinguish and separate the two elements, so that both are taking place to make a stronger healthier church!