Radical Power of One

by | Radical Leadership

Our Vision:

“Bring those far from God close to God” –One step at a time.

Core Values:

1. Found people Find people.

2. Saved people Serve people.

3. Growing people change.

4. I can’t do life alone.

5. I can’t out give God.



Power of One:

(Ecclesiastes 4:12, NKJV; Genesis 11:1, NKJV)

1. We are ONE in Christ—Rely on ONE.

2. We bring ONE in our direction.

3. Reach ONE.

4. Reaching ONE –is ONE more step in your walk with God.

4 Power Principles

1. Programs don’t attract people; people attract people.

2. Think steps not programs; strategy makes the next step simple, easy, and obvious.

3. Growing people grow people; consuming people consume programs.

4. The two biggest reasons people don’t get more involved:

  • They don’t know how.
  • Nobody invited them.

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