(Proverbs 3:5-6, NKJV, AMP)
Insights that can bring Greater Results for the Lord in a much shorter time.
Trust—Secure – Confidence
When we try to get our security from anything but God we end up insecure because everything and everybody else changes. God never will.
LORD – Maker of Heaven and Earth, Deliverer—One in Who has the Ultimate Authority and Power.
Heart –Mind & Emotions, intellectually and emotionally. (Let your emotions follow your intellect (God’s Word) not how you fell.
Lean—Support- Rest—Lie
Ways – Journey
Acknowledge—Declare—Perceive—Be diligent to learn.
- Learn by observing, by experiencing.
- Right Routine brings the Right Rewards—while the wrong routine brings the wrong rewards.
What do you see in and around your life that’s coming from God that you need to Acknowledge?
Direct – Make straight
Example—Moses and the Children of Israel.
- God delivered the children of Israel.
- If they would have allowed the Lord to direct them, if they would have trusted with their heart, leaned on God for their support and rest, and acknowledged the Lord they would have been in the Promise Land in 40 days instead of 40 years.
Path –Race, Way, but also your caravan. (All those you lead)
The Israelites trusted in the Lord, because of problems and pressures in their life.
What we learn (what we apply) once God has delivered us will greatly determine how long it takes us to get to where He wants to bring us.
God wants our TRUST in Him to be a life time JOURNEY (WAY) of Acknowledging Him, where He can and will DIRECT our ways and bring those we lead along with us.