How to Make the Relationship You Have, The Relationship You Want

by | Creating a Marriage that Lasts

1 Corinthians 7:17-24 (NIV)

One of the problems in marriage is that we want more control over the other person but what God wants is for us to yield more control to Him. What you don’t allow God to control will get out of control. Your mate is your special assignment by God. You can’t always change your situation but you can accept your assignment in any situation.

One of the other biggest problems in relationships is focusing on trying to change the other person instead of what God wants to change in you. Are you the “who” that you want them to be?

Marriage is a calling. As spouses we are called to:

Carry the other spouse’s burden.

When your mate is weak, you try to be strong. (Galatians 6:2, NKJV; Galatians 6:5, NKJV; Matthew 11:28, NKJV)

Assume the best.

Unmet expectations is what caused us to get offended so change your expectations and assume the best.
(Song of Songs 2:15, NKJV; Proverbs 19:11, NIV)

Live with commitment.

Enjoy where you are on the way to where God wants to bring you. Don’t compare yourselves. At the core of every man is a will to provide and protect; when he sees or feels that his wife is not content it makes him feel like he is a failure in some area of his life.
(Philippians 4:11-13, NIV; 1 Timothy 6:7-9, NKJV)

Let God be God.

When you focus on being who God wants you to be, then God can begin to work on you. (Philippians 2:8, NIV)

Encourage the other spouse’s strengths.

Most of the times we think we are called to expose our spouse’s weakness but the truth is, we are called to encourage their strengths. Be your spouse’s CEO – Chief Encouraging Officer.

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